Saturday 9 March 2013

Mangosteen For HIV Aids

Mangosteen For HIV Aids  Treatment

HIV Aids as yet no medical treatment that can eliminate disease this one if it attacked someone. However, there are several studies that there is also a traditional medicine that can cure or at least reduce the disease and try to heal this one disease. In the mangosteen peel extract which I have described in my previous discussion, it can be an alternative to be able to cure or treat HIV Aids.

How can mangosteen cure HIV Aids

Who the hell people want to get sick? Of course, all people do not want sick is not it? Well especially if the pain on this one. Pain What the heck? HIV Aids sick friend. You'll often hear about the deadly disease this one and there is no cure. Yes, it aids HIV disease can strike anyone, especially if their lifestyle too freely and often mutually exchange partner, or drugs, or it could attack us without us knowing that our spouse or our friends had contracted the AIDS virus on this one. Well, it turns out HIV Aids as yet no medical treatment that can eliminate this disease if one has attacked someone. However, there are several studies that there is also a traditional medicine cure or at least reduce the disease and try to heal this one disease. In the mangosteen peel extract which I have described in my previous discussion, it can be an alternative to cure or treat HIV Aids.

HIV / AIDS is a disease that is still no medical treatment until now, so it is quite dangerous and troubling to patients with HIV / AIDS. But with research and new inventions that exist for the treatment and cure of disease natural cure HIV / AIDS. And people should not be too concerned with the disease HIV / AIDS because there is a new discovery  natural cure HIV / AIDS.

Friday 8 March 2013

Health Benefits of Clove

Health benefits of cloves

 Health Benefits of Cloves

Cloves or clove (Syzygium aromaticum) has a variety of benefits, not only as a food flavoring, is also famous for treating various diseases. In European countries, clover is widely used as a spice in cooking spicy, while in Indonesia, in addition to well-known to treat various diseases, clove is also used as the main ingredient of Indonesian clove cigarettes.

Health Benefits of Cloves

1. Addressing Respiratory Infection
According to the professor of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City; Neil Schachter, MD: Cloves work as an expectorant. which can thin the mucus in esophagus and throat. Tea containing cloves can help overcome respiratory infections.

2. Treating toothache.
Part cloves that can be used to treat toothache is clove flower. How to use is, 5 to 10 grains of roasted cloves of interest then pounded until smooth. Clove powder is then sprinkled on the sore tooth.

3. Overcoming acne blemishes
According to Cornelia Zicu (staff Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas), Euganol compound content (known as a natural antiseptic for skin balance) contained cloves can be used to prevent acne and eliminate acne scars.

4. Germs alternative cleaners
Euganol or natural antiseptic compound in cloves is useful for maintaining the cleanliness of your goods. Clove oil can reduce the bacteria or fungi that exist on household germs and prevent coming back. The trick is to mix 1/2 tablespoon of oil of cloves in two cups of water and spray it into the vulnerable places exposed to bacteria or germs, such as the bathroom wall.

5. Natural deodorizer apparel that spicy clove scent will naturally cover the odor, but it can keep the freshness of your goods. One example of its use is for fragrances and fresheners on your clothes. The trick: keep a few sticks of clove into your wardrobe and replace every 2-4 weeks, in order to maintain a fresh scent

Thursday 7 March 2013

Causes and Treatment Insomnia

It is undeniable that the insomnia or disturbed sleep is a thing that is very disturbing. Of course the first thing that will be felt is the disruption of the activities of the next day. Causes and Treatment Insomnia can be known. In the long run, if left unchecked, can lead to insomnia disorder disorders other, more serious, including the arrival of various diseases. Sleeping pills into option often taken by those who suffer from this disorder. In fact, sleep medicine contains addictive substances which of course it will actually bring new problem. Therefore, search and find herbal insomnia remedy becomes important that insomnia can be removed at once without containing harmful risks.
insomnia at night

Causes of Insomnia

According to research some experts and health organizations in the world, insomnia is due to the psychological and medical factors. For medical conditions, such as the cause lung disorders, menopause, menstrual cycle, heart problems, stomach disorders, drug use decongestants, stroke and infection. While the cause of mental depression, among others, the use of psychotropic medication, stress, excessive worry, tension, trauma and anxiety.

Risks and the Treatment Insomnia

If insomnia or sleeplessness occurs within the period that is long enough, then the patient, but will be difficult to focus will also be at risk for developing a variety of malignancies. The disease is often appear result of insomnia include fatigue, difficulty focusing even to dangerous diseases such as heart disease to stroke. In women, insomnia can also reduce skin firmness, making black bags around the eyes so that it will reduce the beauty.

Sleeping pills will not cure the disease but it will actually worsen. The simplest thing is addictive, so when not taking the drug, the more difficult the eyes closed. In addition, consuming sleeping pills in the long time will also damage the kidneys, pancreas and liver. Therefore, it is advisable for people with insomnia to take insomnia herbal remedy containing fruit juice. According to the study, noni fruit, also known as pace contain melatonin and serotonin, which can help a person improve the quality of sleep. To be effective, it is suggested that a lot of exercise because it is active during the day will encourage the body to quickly relax in the evening.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Herbal Medicine For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be a threat to the sufferer. Need to be aware if symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, nausea, and so on. Herbal medicines for high blood is a healthy choice. If symptoms occur, immediate consumption of drugs that can reduce or normalize blood pressure. It would be better if there is a tool at home blood pressure monitor so that we can immediately check it out. For traditional medicine, we can use herbal remedies high blood pressure natural materials around us.

Making Herbal Medicine For High Blood Pressure

We can make use of natural ingredients such as cucumber, soursop leaves, noni, dragon fruit and so on. One of the herbal medicines prescribed high blood pressure is to prepare the ingredients below:

� A handful of celery leaves

� Boiled water to taste

� Pure honey to taste or three to five tablespoons

Ingredients to Make Herbal Medicine For High Blood Pressure

Prepare the ingredients above, then do the processing as the steps below:

� Mash until smooth celery that we prepared.

� Make sure the celery that we really smooth mashed and mixed with boiled water to taste.

� Strain until completely filtered waste.

� Allow the water celery last for approximately one hour.

� Mix water celery with honey and stir until well blended.

� Drink regularly in the morning and evening.

Problems arise when choosing traditional medicine blended itself is limited time and energy because of our activity. To overcome this, we can choose an herbal medicine  ready to drink. One of the content of the right to normalize blood pressure, we can try a mixture of dragon fruit with a rich noni good for the body.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Herbal Medicine for Low Blood Pressure

There are so many health problems that can haunt us. one of the common health problems is the problem of the low blood pressure. Low blood pressure can be very annoying and can be very serious impact on a person's body. For this reason, proper treatment is necessary. . With the natural or herbal treatment, it will reduce the risk of adverse effects of chemical drugs in our bodies. with the use of natural materials around us, it would be a safe drug with no side effects as well as affordable by our bag.

Herbal Medicines For Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure or hypo-tension is often also referred to would greatly disrupt our activities. However sometimes this condition is also not so perceived by the patient, while the signs or symptoms of low blood pressure are commonly dizziness, pale, dizzy eyes, feeling powerful, often excessive yawning, and so on. If we did, it would be better to treatment as early as possible. To increase blood pressure low blood pressure herbal remedies that can be taken to prevent and normalize blood pressure.

One example is the hypo-tension herbal prescription using turmeric. The natural ingredients to be prepared include:

� Turmeric to taste

� Chicken eggs, the yolk is taken only

� Natural honey.

Once the materials are ready to be processed, we can start the process. As for how to process are:

�  Turmeric grater until smooth and remove water.

� Squeeze the grated turmeric last until all the liquid out, strain the water so there is no residue left.

� Enter into the egg yolk juice of turmeric and stir until evenly distributed earlier.

� Add honey to taste some three to five tablespoons.

� Drink every morning or afternoon and evening.

Monday 4 March 2013

Brain Cancer Cured by Dragon Fruit

The need for brain cancer cure has to do with the increasing use of mobile phones in society. Dragon fruit can be trusted to overcome various diseases, especially brain cancer. A study from the World Health Organization or the United Nations also called on the WHO found that cell phone radiation can cause brain cancer. Radiation on the phone turned out to be almost the same effect as free radicals from pollution contained thimble, CO2, chloroform and others.

About brain cancers

Aside from cell phone radiation, there are actually several major factors that can lead to the formation of cancer cells in the human brain.

1. The first factor is heredity or genetics. Someone whose family members have a history of cancer will be more at risk for brain cancer.

2. The second factor is the free radicals. We live in a time that is full of free radicals and pollution. Besides pollution, diet and unhealthy lifestyle can also affect the growth of cancer cells in the human brain.

There are several symptoms of brain cancer that we must be aware of, such as sudden difficulty speaking, loss of vision, persistent headaches, hearing loss, balance disorder, reflexes decreased drastically, and others.

Treatment of brain cancer with dragon fruit

One of the prevention and treatment of brain cancer is to use a dragon fruit. The fruit that comes from Latin America is well known as a regular consumption of fruit. But who would have thought if it turns out this fruit has a variety of properties that effective in fighting the disease, and one of them is fighting cancer. One of the ingredients in dragon fruit which works to prevent cancer is a natural antioxidant. Antioxidants serve to ward off free radicals that cause cell mutations . Besides the fruit of this cactus plant also has a myriad of other benefits such as maintaining blood vessels, keeping blood sugar levels, hypertension, shed toxins in the body, and so forth. With the efficacy of such a complete and powerful, so do not be surprised if we make the dragon fruit can cure brain cancer alternative natural and safe to take every day. So Brain Cancer can Cured by Dragon Fruit

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Drinking Warm Water with Lemon In The Morning

Warm Water with Lemon

 Benefits of Drinking Warm Water with Lemon In The Morning

If you want to lose weight, try drinking a cup of warm water and a mixture of lemon juice in the morning. Not only help increase your metabolism, vitamin content in lemons also will keep you fresh all day. Nutritionist and author of 'Fat Flush for Life', Ann Louise Gittleman, recommend to change the habit of drinking coffee with a glass of warm water and lemon mixture in the morning.
This combination has many benefits for the body, including helping you lose weight, stay hydrated throughout the day, increasing your metabolism and increase your intake of vitamin C, as reported by LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (06/09/2011).

Drinking Warm Water with Lemon In The Morning to Lose Weight

Warm water and lemon are the perfect combination for the morning. Water helps the body to remain hydrated. The body will store more fat when you're dehydrated because the kidneys need help from the liver to function under these conditions. It can inhibit the liver's ability to burn fat. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant.
In addition, drinking lemon juice in the morning can stimulate digestion. This in turn increases the body's ability to absorb nutrients. The lack of absorption of nutrients can cause you to quickly hungry, even when you are finished eating.
According to Gittleman, lemon water can also cleanse the palate. In the body, lemon water also helps to cleanse the kidneys gently. Lemon helps cleanse the lymphatic system, and other systems that eliminate toxins from the body.

Lemon Nutrition Can Help Lose Weight

Lemon can help reduce cellulite because this fruit can stimulate blood flow to the skin and helps the body to dispose of waste. "Lemon also increases your body's ability to metabolize fat," said Gittleman.
Not only that, lemon juice also provides vitamin C in high amounts. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one lemon give 30.7 mg of vitamin C. The recommended daily amount is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.
People who consume more vitamin C have more efficient digestive system than those with little or no vitamin C. Lemon also increase the acidity of the digestive system, which helps you better absorb calcium. Absorption of calcium helps you lose weight because calcium stored in fat cells. The more calcium in fat cells, the more easy to stimulate fat burning.
Vitamin C also boosts the immune system, help prevent coronary heart disease and lower the risk of stroke, cataracts, and gout. According to Oregon State University, this vitamin is also an antioxidant that may help reduce cancer risk when consumed through fresh fruits.