Wednesday 9 January 2013

Benefits of Dandelion Root

Originally Dandelion
This is the kind of grass that grows a lot in the north with temperatures. Benefits of Dandelion Root can increase our stamina. Dandelion name means lion teeth as sharp edges like canines. Although the so-called grass roots and ends useful for medicinal purposes. Dandelion root contains many useful minerals. Dandelion root contains a bitter liquid such as milk and is thought to increase the body's energy. It is also able to detoxify the body and purify the blood.
Dandelion Flower Field
Dandelion Flower Field
 Dandelion Flower Field

Dandelion Uses of the Past
In India, dandelion root is used as a treatment for liver problems. A person who has problems like cirrhosis or liver stiffness can use dandelion root helps stimulate the flow of bile ntuk of heart that help detoxify the body. Dandelion root also helps digestion and is a good tonic for the endocrine system. In addition, dandelion is used to lower cholesterol and uric acid in your body. Abortion are rich in iron have the ability to overcome anemia. Fluid on the trunk and roots can be used also as penciut and hair warts, blisters and pimples.

Benefits of Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root
Dandelion Root
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root can be found in the form of the dried root, in capsules, in liquid extracts and teas. It tastes bitter, dandelion is often combined with other plants such as licorice or ginger to make a tea that tastes like root beer. Usual dose of dandelion root is 2 to 8 grams three times a day to dry root, 250 mg three or four times per day in capsule form.
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Dandelion Structure
Dandelion Structure
Benefits Dandelion Now
Dandelion is used as a diuretic which has the ability to attract water and salt from the body. A large ingredient potassium make dandelion has the functionality. Besides dandelion is also widely used to neutralize the acid in the blood and is widely used as a laxative (to help bowel movements). Diuretics will make a person to urinate more frequently because the body of water that is stored beneath the skin having regular disposal.
White Dandelion
White Dandelion
White Dandelion

Dandelion Side Effects

Dandelion is generally safe to use, but some people have an allergic reaction to the fluid. Dandelion should not be used in conjunction with other diuretics or drugs that have the ability of other diuretics. People who are in the treatment of diabetes should be cautious in the use of dandelion because it can make the effects of diabetes drugs stronger.

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