Monday 19 November 2012

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic Plant
Garlic Plant
Garlic Plant

Health Benefits of Garlic for Health

Garlic Plant
Benefits of garlic were not only used as a cooking spice, but the garlic also contains many useful properties for our health. Garlic is a plant that grows in tropical and receive enough sunlight. Chemical content that is naturally present in garlic have proved very useful for our health. Benefits of garlic as we know it is as a cooking spice, but it is also a drug used as an antiseptic for the content of antibiotics in it. Below we will discuss some of the benefits of garlic for the health of our bodies is based on the content contained.
eating garlic
eating garlic
 eating garlic
Benefits of Eating Garlic
1. Treat colds and coughs. Based on research conducted by researchers from Brigham Young University, Utah, in 1992 found that garlic in the mashed and mixed with 2 types of oil can kill herpes disease and type 2 antivirus that usually causes flu. Garlic also contains sulfur (sulfur), which can relieve the respiratory tract and helps expel mucus. You can eat raw garlic as much as you feel sick with the flu. When you cough, you can mix the onion pieces into the hot milk and drink it warm.

2. Treat cancer. Benefits of garlic not only to mild disease, severe disease of cancer can be prevented the same level. Garlic contains Organosulfida that are beneficial to the liver in the process menyaringan toxic compounds that enter the body. Sehungga, taking the pieces of garlic is tantamount to combat toxins and cancer that can invade your body.
Garlic Gift
Garlic Gift
Garlic Gift
 3. Improve Stamina. Combine the garlic into our food or swallowed garlic every day can be a source of physical strength and increase stamina kita.Ini the special benefits of garlic. When you feel tired or easily susceptible to the flu, it is a good time for you to quickly eat and feel the benefits of garlic.we will benefit a lot of garlic, cloves garlic how many you consume in a day?


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