Friday 30 November 2012

Dangers of Pesticides

Dangers of Pesticides to Human

Dangers of Pesticides - A study funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and published in the September 2005 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives shows eating organic foods provides children with �dramatic and immediate� protection from exposure to two organophosphate pesticides that have been linked to harmful neurological effects in humans.

The pesticides�malathion and chlorpyrifos�while restricted or banned for home use, are widely used on a variety of crops, and according to the annual survey by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Pesticide Data Program, residues of these organophosphate pesticides are still routinely detected in food items commonly consumed by young children.

Over a fifteen-day period, Dr. Chensheng �Alex� Lu and his colleagues from Emory University, the University of Washington, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention measured exposure to malathion and chlorpyrifos in 23 elementary students in the Seattle area by testing their urine.

The participants, aged 3-11-years-old, were first monitored for three days on their conventional diets before the researchers substituted most of the children�s conventional diets with organic foods for five consecutive days. The children were then given their normal foods and monitored for an additional seven days.

The Dangers Of Pesticides To Humans

�Immediately after substituting organic food items for the children�s normal diets, the concentration of the organophosphorus pesticides found in their bodies decreased substantially to non-detectable levels until the conventional diets were re-introduced,� said Dr. Lu.

During the days when children consumed organic diets, most of their urine samples contained zero concentration of the malathion metabolite. However, once the children returned to their conventional diets, the average malathion metabolite concentration increased to 1.6 parts per billion with a concentration range from 5 to 263 parts per billion. A similar trend was seen for chlorpyrifos. The average chlorpyrifos metabolite concentration increased from one part per billion during the organic diet days to six parts per billion when children consumed conventional food.

A second study, published in the February 2006 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, confirmed these results. Once again, another group of 23 children from the Seattle area aged 3-11 years participated. When the conventionally grown foods in their diets were replaced with comparable organically grown foods, concentrations of compounds in the children�s urine indicating exposure to organophosphate pesticides immediately dropped to non-detectable levels and remained non-detectable until they once again consumed conventionally grown foods.

The children were first monitored for three days on their normal diet. Then, most of the conventionally grown items in their diets were replaced with comparable organically grown items for 5 days. Substituted items included fruits and vegetables, juices, processed fruit and vegetable products and wheat or corn based products. Lastly, the children returned to their normal diets for a further 7 days.

Researchers analyzed two spot daily urine samples, first-morning and before-bedtime voids, throughout the 15-day study period. Urinary concentrations of compounds indicating the children were ingesting the organophosphorus pesticides, malathion and chlorpyrifos, became undetectable immediately after the introduction of organic diets and remained undetectable until the conventional diets were reintroduced.� Emory University Health Sciences Center

The repetition of this research clearly demonstrates that an organic diet provides a dramatic and immediate protective effect against exposures to organophosphorus pesticides, which are commonly used in agricultural production. Organophosphate pesticides account for approximately half the insecticide use in the U.S. and are applied to many conventionally grown foods important in children�s diets.

Organophosphates work by poisoning the nervous system in pests.

Pesticides effects on humans are damage to the nervous system, reproductive system and other organs, developmental and behavioral abnormalities, disruption of hormone function as well as immune dysfunction.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe Vera Plant
 Aloe Vera Plant

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Benefits of Aloe Vera - A famous usual curer, Aloe Vera has been planning use of externally for thousands of years on demolish by fire, scratches and cuts. Recently, investigators have originated that the aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides could turn out to be steady and drag out from the raw and fresh plant, in the course of a cautious freeze aeration procedure, which jumbles the enzymes, mineral salts and irritants bring into life form in the raw and fresh Aloe Vera plant. All the way through this technique, the compensations make longer far beyond its previous skin-healing possessions. Citizens with harsh digestive disorder are easing indications in a way they by no means charged credible - not comprising drugs and their dangerous and harming side effects. The aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides molecule reinstates to fitness inside.
Aloe Vera on the Pot
Aloe Vera on the Pot
 Aloe Vera on the Pot

Benefits of Aloe Vera has been a very important part of human beings medicine container for more than four thousand years. It is on purpose to have brought about in muggy Africa where on earth it was made use of to take care of deadly projectile wound. From there it inspired from area to area to all the main civilizations and quickly developed into well known for its amazing healing powers. Aloe plant apparatus are expansively renowned for their uses in folk prescriptions, mostly for their capacity to give support to healing of unimportant cutaneous wound and for protection of skin cells. More than a few in vitro educations have uncovered Aloe substance incite the fibroblast and epithelial cell improvement and influence lection like respond in protected cells concerned in skin damage repair measures.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera Gel
 Aloe Vera Gel

The Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

In our up to date education, we extensively scrutinized Aloe resources taken out from all the leaves and solid filets for their qualified special effects on beginning of promulgation in fibroblast cells and in support of the Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides, in elements like neuron. Aloe gel resources were originated to enhance making in deferral treated cells like neuron to a superior level than that observed in equally cured fibroblast cells in momentary cultures. In very old cultures cells are healed not more than one time.

Benefits of Aloe Vera resources conserved both cells feasibility at different dosage of Aloe. This education discloses for the first time that to some extent purified resources in Aloe extracts can give confidence to the development of cells like neuron in vitro, consequently expanding the enormous selection of cells that are tremendously reactive with Aloe resources.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Avocado Nutrition Information

Avocado Nutritional Information

Avocado Nutrition Information - Avocados is natural rich source of Vitamin E and a good source of potassium.It has useful amounts of vitamin B6 and also supply vitamin C, riboflavin and manganese. Avocado Nutrition Informational include Vitamin C and Vitamin E are both antioxidant and therefore can help to prevent the free radical damage that might lead to certain cancers.

Potassium helps to control blood pressure as well as maintain a regular heart beat and a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B6 is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system.Low level of vitamin B6 may also be associated with morning sickness.
Avocados Fruit
Avocados Fruit
 Avocados Fruit
Avocados have high content of monounsaturated fatty acid, which taught to lover blood cholesterol level. However the weight watchers should beware because avocados may contain up to 400 calories per fruit.

The avocados also has the highest protein content of any fruit.Unlike most fruits, avocados start to ripen only when they have been cut from the tree. Thus, if you buy an unripe avocados, store it at room temperature for few days.

The avocado is also called the 'alligator pear' because of the color and texture of the leather-like skin. Depending on the variety, avocados can weigh anything from 8 ounces to 3 pounds!. The avocado flesh is hard when harvested and takes about six to nine days to ripen and soften to a buttery texture. It tastes like a cross between a hard-boiled egg yolk and butter.
Like banana, the density of avocado flesh is filling and acts as a digestible slow-burning fuel, providing energy for growing children. Because of its high carbohydrates and protein content, mashed avocado is the perfect nourishing food for babies who are beginning to take solids.
Avocado is a fruit that is often avoided because of its high fats content. Together with that perception, the numerous health benefits are also overlooked. It's time we take a good look at some of the healing virtues of this fruit 
Avocados on the Tree
Avocados on the Tree
 Avocados on the Tree

Avocado Nutritional Benefits

Bad Breath: The avocado is one of the best natural mouth wash and a remedy for bad breath. It is effective in removing intestinal putrefaction or decomposition which are the real cause of a coated tongue and this unpleasant condition.
Beauty Aid: The oil extracted is widely used in preparation of beauty products. These include creams, cleansers and moisturizers to prevent the ageing effect of dehydration; bath oils, shampoos, scalp conditioner and hair tonic.
Cholesterol: An avocado contains oleic and linoleic acids that are effective in lowering the LDL cholesterol and increasing the healthy HDL cholesterol.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Herbal Stress Relief

Herbal Remedies for Stress Relief

Herbal Stress Relief - Try a Natural Remedy.Herbal stress relief remedies like any other medication is not a quick fix. To obtain optimum benefit from them they need to be taken over several months however in the long run you will see that they are far better than pharmaceuticals.

First there is Valerian; it will help you to sleep, and it prevents panic attacks from overwhelming you. Then there are Hops (an ingredient in beer), which eases stress, nervousness and restlessness. A rather odd side-effect of hops is that they decrease your desire for alcohol!

You have probably quite often heard someone suggest a nice cup of tea to help relax you. Well, in the case of Chamomile they are correct as it is a very gentle stress reliever and it also helps you to relax. Then there is green tea which is a great stress reliever as it contains Theanine which helps you to relax and is a natural mild tranquilizer.

Ginseng does an excellent job at reducing stress and it also fights off mental fatigue, reduces irritability, and improves the nervous system.

Various members of the mint family are known to be natural stress reducers. Lemon balm has quite a calming effect as it reduces mood swings and also helps with better sleep.

You might find this one a bit odd to be on a list of herbal stress relief for humans however catnip is quite effective in reducing stress and helping you stay calm.

Ashwagandha is something many people won�t have heard of but it�s a great herbal remedy for helping you to deal with fatigue and it also works as an anti-inflammatory. When you�re stressed, you can sometimes suffer inflammation throughout your body therefore Ashwagandha offers quite holistic herbal stress relief. Keeping inflammation under control can also help you to feel less stressed.

Herbal Stress Remedies

In the Far East natural herbal remedies have been used for centuries. Of all things, the bark from a Cork tree has been long known to help relieve stress. Often it is combined with Magnolia Officinalis bark which helps with anxiety. Next, from Europe, Goldenroot (also known as Roseroot) is very good at easing the symptoms of depression and is also used as a mild sedative. As a side benefit, it helps to relieve fatigue.

Of course, not all herbal stress relief is confined to Europe and Asia. Out among the Polynesians of the Pacific is the Kava Kava root.

For centuries, they have used it as a means of reducing stress and for simple relaxation. Another excellent means of calming your nerves and reducing worry is to take Vitexin. Vitexin is extracted from the Passion Flower and is now sold as a herbal remedy. One little caveat on Vitexin, be sure any pills you buy are between three and four percent Vitexin as this is the recommended dose.

As you can see there is quite a choice when it comes to herbal stress relief remedies no matter how it may manifests in physical and mental symptoms. Simply follow the recommended dosage for any of the herbal stress remedies and you will quickly find that they are quite worthwhile.

Monday 26 November 2012

Alternative Cancer Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Alternative Cancer Treatment - Here we going to to discuss Alternative Cancer Treatment with Herbal Medicine or Alternative Treatment. As we know cancer is a big problem when people get it. But don't worry about the highest medicine to cure it. This is some method Alternative Cancer Treatment :

Method Alternative Cancer Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatment with Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy utilizes essential oils and fragrant substances from a plant�s flowers, stalks, bar, roots, or leaves. These scents are released into the air, creating a calming environment to promote relaxation and relieve stress. Aromatherapy can be performed by a practitioner, but individuals may also use aromatherapy without a practitioner present. The fragrant oils are applied to the skin or added to bath water Aromatherapy is used to relieve stress but is also used to treat a variety of ailments, including infections, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. It is important for an individual to consult a doctor before determining the appropriate use for aromatherapy in an overall alternative cancer treatment or alternative treatment for another disease.

Alternative Cancer Treatment with Acupuncture: This form of alternative cancer treatment derived from the Chinese and is one of the oldest therapies in the world. For the past 20 years, acupuncture has become more popular in the United States, and is being used alone or with conventional Western medicine as a way to control pain, reduce nausea, and help ailing patients who have chronic diseases. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into the body at certain depths in specific areas of the body. Generally, the procedure is not painful, although some people have reported feeling a deep aching sensation when the needle reaches the correct depth within the body. Acupuncture sessions usually last about 30 minutes, and generally, a patient will have up to 12 total sessions. Anyone who is considering acupuncture as an alternative cancer treatment should talk to their doctor to determine if this is the best option for treatment. A doctor may also be able to recommend a qualified acupuncture practitioner.

Alternative Cancer Treatment with Massage therapy: In an effort to relieve muscle tension and stress, massage therapy is performed on an individual by a practitioner who kneads the body�s muscle and soft tissue. Massage has been shown to alleviate pain, increase circulation, and promote overall well being. This alternative cancer treatment can be used in addition to other alternative cancer treatment options. However, it is important to consult a doctor to help seek out a licensed massage therapist.

Sunday 25 November 2012

AXA Launch International Health Insurance

AXA Health Insurance
AXA Health Insurance

AXA Launches International Health Insurance

AXA Launch International Health Insurance - AXA General Insurance launches international health insurance products with proprietary solutions, named InternationalExclusive. InternationalExclusive a health insurance products for individuals, families and companies who have a lot of advantages. When other insurance products generally do not guarantee that the disease had previously suffered, InternationalExclusive can guarantee a pre-existing condition or so-called pre-existing condition.
InternationalExclusive also has other advantages such as no waiting period policy; the policy was extended on without looking at the large claims that have occurred and to ensure children from birth

AXA Launches International Health Insurance Products

Moreover unlike other health insurance products that limit the participation age to 65 years of age, for their early participation InternationalExclusive customers can up to 80 years and a lifetime guarantee period. This product also has a selection of the greatest benefit to a maximum program of up to USD 2.9 million with the lowest premium is USD 747. Benefits provided include inpatient care, outpatient care, childbirth, treatment of late-stage disease, traditional Chinese medicine and others. Another advantage is that customers can set up an insurance program that fits your needs and budget their costs reasonable premium.
Clients can also enjoy direct billing on our international network of hospitals and can be contacted 24 hours AXA insurance health services team based in Indonesia for the question and claim their insurance. Support more than 1000 hospitals across the world including the network's top hospitals in Indonesia will provide comfort and convenience for customers who will get good medical care abroad and in Indonesia.  
Moreover, the customers just simply show membership card at the time of enrollment in the hospital without having to spend cash for any medical costs or so-called cashless benefit. AXA health insurance is redefining your insurance.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Mangosteen Benefits For Natural Medicine

Mangosteen Benefits The Best  Natural Medicine

Mangosteen Benefits For  Natural Medicine - Properties of mangosteen may not be well known by the public, even though everyone knows the pleasure of the taste of the mangosteen fruit. Mangosteen has the Latin name Garcinia mangostana fruit is a plant that only grows in tropical areas. Mangosteen trees can grow to heights from 7 to 25 meters and is the kind of perennial greens. Mangosteen fruit is more commonly called the "queen of fruits" or "queen of fruits" has many health benefits for both treatment and prevention.
Mangosteen Fruits
Mangosteen Fruits

 Mangosteen Fruits

Properties of mangosteen may not be known, but the empirical skin of the mangosteen have been widely used to treat tuberculosis, malaria, skin diseases, diarrhea and dysentery. Benefits of mangosteen has indeed much of our society, as evidenced by traditional medicine that has been done for generations. In addition to the content, the mangosteen skin incredibly effective for the treatment of various diseases. Even in some countries such as Thailand, the mangosteen fruit dried and then used as an ingredient for make soap, shampoo and other cosmetic ingredients. 
Mangosteen Benefits on Various laboratory tests showed that the data content of the mangosteen is used to treat many diseases, among other things, is to maintain a healthy cardiovascular hair healthcare, eyes and skin, helps the immune system, increases the resistance and energy, helps the digestive system, as well as an antidote free radicals. Savor the mangosteen can also be used for the prevention of several life-threatening diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and many other diseases. Mangosteen is also very good for preventing a disease that causes brain damage.
Part of Mangosteen
Part of Mangosteen
 Part of Mangosteen
Sweet Mangosteen
Sweet Mangosteen
Sweet Mangosteen

What makes mangosteen so beneficial to your health? According to laboratory tests, contains mangosteen xanthones are able to treat and prevent deadly diseases such as cancer, heart disease and disease caused by brain damage. Mangosteen also contains antioxidants that are good for health and able to fend off free radicals. Benefits of mangosteen is so high health, so we should increase the consumption of mangosteen as a prevention against diseases. You can get the benefits of Mangosteen fruit to eat every day. All fruits have their efficacy, including Mangosteen Fruit. It is time consuming Mangosteen fruit from now.

Friday 23 November 2012

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Health Benefits of Dragon Fruits 

Dragon Fruit
Dragon Fruit
 Dragon Fruit
Benefits of Dragon Fruit - Dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is a fruit native to Central America and grows in tropical regions, climate, temperate to subtropical dry. It has benefits of dragon fruit to the whole world know. Fruit with a taste slightly dry or slightly sweet, this is a good source of antioxidants that can protect against free radicals and carcinogens.  Characteristics of the dragon fruit body can neutralize toxins and other heavy metals.
What is Dragon Fruit?
High levels of vitamin C in dragon fruit to make the benefits of dragon fruit is very useful to improve the immune system to help heal the wounds / bruises. The content of vitamin B1 and B2 in Dragon Fruit is very good to improve metabolism and restores appetite. Besides the benefits of the fruit can also be dragon cholesterol because this product contains vitamin B3. Dragon fruit can be overcome with high blood pressure, to cure cough and asthma.
Red Dragon Fruit Plant
Red Dragon Fruit Plant
 Red Dragon Fruit Plant
Red Dragon Fruit in a Pot
Red Dragon Fruit in a Pot
Red Dragon Fruit in a Pot
Dragon fruit with calcium and phosphorus, so that the benefits of the fruit can also be dragon teeth and bones strong and form a network of healthy. Will the dragon fruit is excellent for those who lose weight and lower blood sugar.
 Benefits of red dragon fruit is known to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels. This red dragon fruit has high fiber content, accelerate the process to help reduce the digestion of fat and can. Red Dragon fruit contains a substance-carotene are very good for eye health.

The effectiveness of the Red Dragon Fruit to prevent and treat heart disease, cancer, contribute to the reduction of blood pressure. This is because these fruits contain lycopene. Besides these fruits also contain vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, calcium, phosphorus and protein to build a good network.

For the benefits of red dragon fruit, you can regularly eat fruit juice and red dragon. Each glass of juice Red Dragon contains some 100kkal. But if you do not have time to juice is processed, you can eat them directly to get the properties.

Red White Dragon Fruit
Red White Dragon Fruit
Red White Dragon Fruit

5 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruits

  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels
  • Helps control blood glucose sugar levels in people with diabetes
  • Eliminates thirst thanks to a high water content (80-90 g from 100 g raw fruit)
  • Prevent the formation of cancer cells
  • Helps improve the body's metabolism and has the effect of increased memory

Thursday 22 November 2012

Benefits of Green Beans

Green Beans
Green Beans
Green Beans

Health Benefits of Green Beans

Benefits of green beans were very good for our body. Green beans taste delicious and are often treated as a compote or porridge.The green beans (Phaseouts aureus) is known as a source of vegetable protein, high levels of protein. In addition, green beans also contain minerals, calcium and phosphorus is important for our body. Known benefits of green beans can be more sensitive and more brains to think. This is nothing but thanks to its high protein content of beans.
Green Beans Plate
Green Beans Plate
 Green Beans Plate

Understood that several of the benefits of green beans, the following is a list with the explanation of some of the green beans health benefits
Green Beans Plant
Green Beans Plant
 Green Beans Plant

3 Health Benefits of Green Beans

  • Green beans can strengthen bones. Green beans are rich in phosphorus and calcium, is very useful for the growth and strengthens bones. Furthermore, the protein content of green beans are very high (24%).
  • The green beans are very good for heart health. Unsaturated fat content in green beans safe for consumption and heart health. As the fat is unsaturated, it made those who have problems with weight does not have to worry about eating green beans.
  • Benefits of green beans can help the absorption of protein, prevents cancer, berries, to improve nerve. This is because the green beans contain vitamin B1, vitamin B2, is sufficient.
Green Beans Seeds
Green Beans Seeds
  Green Beans Seeds

Benefits of green beans for pregnant women

In good health and preventing disease of any kind. Manda-at green beans are also very good for pregnant women. Green beans contain folic acid is important for pregnant women. Pregnant women can eat green beans from the beginning of pregnancy and before pregnancy. The effect of folic acid in neural development is a child in the womb very well. Benefits of green beans that contain folic acid may also prevent heart defects in children, cleft lip, and a number of other shortcomings. The addition of folic acid, may also increase the intelligence of babies.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Benefits of Celery

Health Benefits of Celery

Celery Stalk
Celery Stalk
 Celery Stalk
Benefits of Celery - Celery is a herbaceous annual standing, and has a height of about 25-100 cm. Celery sticks sides and longitudinal grooves with many flowers, small white or white and greenly. Celery grows in tropical areas have a size of the trunk is not big enough for the whole plant is used as a plant. Plant breeding can be
used in two ways, particularly through the seed or mass transport of the child.

Local name of Celery:
Celery (UK), Celeri (France), celery (Italy), Selinon, Salsa (Germany), celery (Indonesia); Sledri (Java), celery (Sunda).

Celery is divided into three parts, namely, celery leaves, pieces of celery (STEM) and celery bulb. They are juicy and fleshy stalks can be eaten raw, such as vegetables, while the leaves can be used for flavoring soups.

The celery is also used to treat various diseases. Celery plants were recently recognized as a science of medicinal plants in 1942. This plant is supposed to contain vitamin A, C and B1. Celery also contains many minerals such as sodium chloride, potassium (potassium), magnesium, protein, calcium, pspat salt, apigenin asparagine, kholin, saponins, essential oils, soothing agents (phathalide) and fiber. This herb can be used as alternative drugs for various diseases.
Celery Plant
Celery Plant
 Celery Plant

Nutrition contains 100 grams of celery

20 calories per cup
1 gram of protein
0.1 grams of fat
4.6 g Carbon Hydrate
50 mills-grams of calcium
P mg 40 g
1 million ounces of iron
Vitamin A is 130 SI
0.03 mg Vitamin B1 and
Vitamin C 11 mg.
11 mg vitamin C and 63% in an aqueous medium.

Celery also contains, in addition to diuretics, is a drug useful for increasing the amount of urine.
High levels of sodium in celery is very helpful to maintain the vitality of the body. District to use celery to cure fever in children by maceration and water

Benefits of Celery Juice

Celery Juice Lower Blood Pressure
Celery Juice Lower Blood Pressure
 Celery Juice Lower Blood Pressure

Health Benefits of Celery Juice

Benefits of Celery Juice - Hypertension, eye pain, rheumatic diseases, anemia, pain, healthy blood and purify the blood, diarrhea, diabetes, epilepsy, migraine, bloody urination, prevent stroke, improve hormone functions, heat illness. Celery juice is also great celery leaves can increase intelligence, resolve herpes, mumps, for the prevention of breast cancer, renal failure, and for healthy teeth, helping to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood, reduce pain in the reserves because of uric acid, normalize blood sugar, maintaining a healthy heart and bones, overcome urinary tract infections and neutralize the effects of degenerative diseases and as an antidote to anti-oxidants and free radicals hyacinth is also used for beauty.

The benefits seem to be much faster if you routinely eat raw.
By chewing celery will have two advantages:
When the leaves are chewed substance to massage the gums.
Calcium leaves can help to strengthen teeth.
He was also able to neutralize the strong-smelling herbs such as garlic.

Celery effective for the treatment of diseases such as substances that are beneficial diuretic increase the amount of urine: high blood pressure, dizziness, swelling in the legs due to fluid, colds, bronchitis, cough, hair fertilizer urine, nausea, bloody penapsu eat, and others.

Celery also has efficacy in the treatment of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, which contains fat, urine, and colic. stimulate the digestive and urinary laxative (diuretic)
Celery juice with broccoli
Celery juice with broccoli
Celery juice with broccoli
It was the seed of the fruit and celery is effective for the treatment of rheumatism, bronchitis, asthma, liver and spleen disease, colic and abdominal pain after childbirth. strain relief (antispasmodic), lower levels of uric acid in blood, urine, feces anti-rheumatic agent (diuretic), laxative fart (carminative), and tranquilizers aphrodisiac

Also, celery is also good to be consumed to prevent wrinkles on the face, breaking up the fat and lose weight, maintain elasticity and firmness and eliminate bad breath. The benefits of celery and Benefits of Celery juice is very good to our health. Consume vegetables are good for the body of one of these plants. have you consume vegetables today?

Monday 19 November 2012

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic Plant
Garlic Plant
Garlic Plant

Health Benefits of Garlic for Health

Garlic Plant
Benefits of garlic were not only used as a cooking spice, but the garlic also contains many useful properties for our health. Garlic is a plant that grows in tropical and receive enough sunlight. Chemical content that is naturally present in garlic have proved very useful for our health. Benefits of garlic as we know it is as a cooking spice, but it is also a drug used as an antiseptic for the content of antibiotics in it. Below we will discuss some of the benefits of garlic for the health of our bodies is based on the content contained.
eating garlic
eating garlic
 eating garlic
Benefits of Eating Garlic
1. Treat colds and coughs. Based on research conducted by researchers from Brigham Young University, Utah, in 1992 found that garlic in the mashed and mixed with 2 types of oil can kill herpes disease and type 2 antivirus that usually causes flu. Garlic also contains sulfur (sulfur), which can relieve the respiratory tract and helps expel mucus. You can eat raw garlic as much as you feel sick with the flu. When you cough, you can mix the onion pieces into the hot milk and drink it warm.

2. Treat cancer. Benefits of garlic not only to mild disease, severe disease of cancer can be prevented the same level. Garlic contains Organosulfida that are beneficial to the liver in the process menyaringan toxic compounds that enter the body. Sehungga, taking the pieces of garlic is tantamount to combat toxins and cancer that can invade your body.
Garlic Gift
Garlic Gift
Garlic Gift
 3. Improve Stamina. Combine the garlic into our food or swallowed garlic every day can be a source of physical strength and increase stamina kita.Ini the special benefits of garlic. When you feel tired or easily susceptible to the flu, it is a good time for you to quickly eat and feel the benefits of garlic.we will benefit a lot of garlic, cloves garlic how many you consume in a day?


Sunday 18 November 2012

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate Fruit
Pomegranate Fruit

Pomegranate Fruit

Health Benefits of Pomegranate - Fruit of pomegranate (Punica granatum) is no stranger to our ears. Benefits of Pomegranate can cure cancer. These plants are usually planted in gardens as ornamental plants, medicinal plants, or as an edible fruit, especially if it is fruitful to add to the beauty of this plant.The fruit is nearly spherical size of an orange, but bright red. Not only that, it's also pomegranate, white and purple. Aside from the color of the fruit attractive pomegranate also has very unusual properties.

Pomegranate originally from the Himalayas, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle East. It was cute and sweet red fruit, contains the most taste. pomegranate fruits too many vitamins and antioxidants is high, very good for our health, because heart disease is also good for your skin and make it young.The fruit is nutritious treat various diseases. gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dental care, arthritis, anemia and diabetes. Pomegranates contain also phosphorus, iron, calcium and sodium-effective to maintain the heart rate remains normal. All parts of this plant can be used as a medicine, from fruits, seeds, flowers, leaves, bark, fruit, bark, root bark up.    Traditionally, the pomegranate is used to cleanse the skin and reduce skin inflammation. Pomegranate juice can also reduce the sore throat. According to a survey by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pomegranate is rich in antioxidants can prevent oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.Drink pomegranate juice is known as a healthy fruit, high efficiency. Pomegranate juice is rich in potassium ions (potassium), vitamin A, C and E and folic acid. Is edible seeds, the amount of potassium per 100 grams (259 mg / g), the energy of 63 calcium, 30 mg vitamin C. This component is considered very important for heart health (Time, December 2003). 
part pomegranate cure cancer
part pomegranate cure cancer
 part pomegranate cure cancer

5 Health Benefits of Pomegranate

1. Pomegranate flowers can treat gingivitis, bleeding, bronchitis.Wash the flowers (seven petals) with clean water, then boiled with a glass of water to boil. When cool, strain and use to rinse your mouth.

2. For external use, boil the peel or skin of the root, then use water to rinse, as a cure throat, gingivitis, wounds, bruises and scalded fungal infections of the feet.

3. Pomegranate meat can be used as a weight loss, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, frequent urination, rheumatism, and flatulence.

4. For digestive disorders, such as frequent bloating, nausea and often feel hurt, drinking water maceration of leaves of the pomegranate.The trick: take five pomegranate leaves, washed and thinly sliced. Pour the sliced ??pomegranate leaves in boiling water about a half cup. Wait 5 minutes, drink a glass of water was hot, for 5 consecutive days. God willing, the digestion will be good again.Pomegranate skin can be used to treat diarrhea, digestive problems. Boil the bark and drinking water 
5. Pomegranate contains antibacterial and antiviral can boost immunity (immunity) to the results of research in the U.S. Based pomegranates can cure HIV / AIDS.Dari research results back to the pomegranate fruit renowned, not only the body that delicious fruit refreshment consumed.

how to eat pomegranate
how to eat pomegranate
 How to Eat Pomegranate
How to Eat Pomegranate - According to research by the roots of the pomegranate tree contains alkaloids, tannins, medical terms can prevent the reproduction of bacteria, specifically to prevent the growth of trematodes and flat. In this section, including the content and pomegranate skin can prevent and control the growth of viruses and HIV-1 polio. Microbial agent found in the blood of people with HIV can be prevented by tannin and poly-phenol compounds found in pomegranates.Likewise, with pomegranate flower is a concern because of potential medical scientists control the spread of infection in the body, including infections caused by HIV virus causes AIDS.

You can get the Health Benefits Of Pomegranate fruit to eat every day. All fruits have their efficacy, including Pomegranate Fruit. It is time consuming Pomegranate fruit from now because health benefits of pomegranate can improve our body immune