Thursday 13 September 2012

Benefits of Tomato Seeds

Tomato Seeds as Heart Attack Prevention

tomato seeds
tomato seeds
 Tomato seeds
Benefits of Tomato Seeds - Benefits of tomatoes were no doubt anymore. In addition to containing high doses of Vitamin C, tomatoes are also known to contain lycopene which is an antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals. But did you know that the benefits of tomatoes are not just in the flesh of the fruit? Apparently the benefits of tomato seeds were able to overcome some of the complaints diseases, one of which is stroke and heart disease.

As reported by the health magazine Prevention, based on research led by Asim K Dutta-Roy, PhD, of the Rowett Research Institute, located in Aberdeen, Scotland is known that there are many benefits of tomato seeds. Yellow mucus layer on tomato seeds turned out to contain compounds that can fight heart disease and stroke.
tomatoes seeds
tomatoes seeds

Tomatoes Seeds

Based on the above results, the consumption of tomatoes or tomato juice to remain unfiltered include seeds will be able to reduce the risk of blood clots by 72%. Blood clotting is one of the main causes of heart attack or stroke.

Slime layer that surrounds tomato seeds usually called Fruitlow. In Fruitlow contained compounds that appeared to have a similar effect to aspirin is as analgesics or painkillers, anti-inflammatory or anti inflammation and can also be used as a fever medicine. Fruitlow known to improve blood circulation by preventing blood clots that help the body's metabolism so that more smoothly. Benefits of tomato seeds is very important to our health especially to keep our heart.

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