Friday 24 August 2012

Red Guava Juice

Benefits of Red Guava Juice

Red Guava Juices
Red Guava Juices
Red Guava Juices have many benefits to our health
Red Guava Juice - Many benefits can be obtained from red guava juice. Red Guava juice is sweet with the scent of fresh is much liked by old and young, men, women, and surely you also will like it. Not only pleasures are obtained but the efficacy of the juice with vitamins and nutrients can help increase our stamina so that our health is always maintained, even some of them can prevent and cure diseases, and also soursop fruit can prevent and treat cancer. The flavor of fresh fruit juice either sweet or slightly sour precisely characterize freshness always preferred even juice can make us addicted.
Red Guava Juice Nutrition
Red Guava Juice Nutrition

Nutrients in Red Guava Juice

Red Guava is now widely sold everywhere, both in the form of fresh fruit or red guava juice called for meat and red guava seeds contain lots of fiber and nutrients, red guava low in calories so good for everyone, especially those on a diet, containing vitamin C , vitamin A, manganese, minerals potassium, and copper.
Its high vitamin C content especially the flesh, could be between three to six times higher than oranges. Red Guava also contains the highest antioxidants than other fruits. By making your own juice guava, freshness, cleanliness, and the nutrients and vitamins-vitamins more secure, guava juice that we make better drunk immediately, store the juice for too long can lead to a lot of the nutrients and vitamins reduced.
Fresh Red Guava Juice
Fresh Red Guava Juice
Fresh Red Guava Juice Picture

Red Guava Juice as Dengue Fever Medicine

Red Guava or Red guava juice is believed to increase red blood platelets so excellent given to people who are sick of dengue fever. So the red guava juice is an alternative medicine to cope with dengue fever.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Causes of Acne

Many Causes of Acne

many causes of acne
many causes of acne in face
Causes of Acne - Acne is a skin irritation that is very disturbing. Acne not only causes discomfort on the skin, it can also reduce the appearance and self-confidence, especially if it appears on the face. There are several factors that cause acne are caused by bacteria and some activities and food. Below are some of the causes of acne;

Causes of Acne because pilosebaceous unit

All acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, which consists of hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and a strand of hair (fur) body. These units are found everywhere in the body except the palms and soles of the feet, upper legs and lower lip. The number of pilosebaceous units most are on the face, upper neck, and chest. Sebaceous glands produce a substance called sebum, which is responsible for keeping the skin and body hair still damp. During adolescence, the sebaceous glands enlarge and produce more sebum under the influence of hormones called androgens. After age 20, sebum production begins to decline.
causes of acne
causes of acne
Pictures of Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne because bacteria Propionibacterium acnes

The bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes, is a normal inhabitant of human skin. This bacterium uses sebum as food to grow, thus increasing the number of follicles during puberty. Someone who has had more acne bacteria Propionibacterium acnes in follicles than people who do not have acne. The presence of bacteria attract white blood cells to the follicle. White blood cells it produces enzymes that destroy the follicle wall, causing the contents of the follicle into the skin layers (dermis). This process causes inflames response (inflammation) seen as papules (red bumps), pustules, and nodules. The bacteria also cause the formation of free fatty acids, which are irritants (irritant), thereby increasing the inflammatory process in the follicle.

Causes of Acne because Normal Follicles

Sebum produced by the sebaceous glands join chipped cells in the hair follicles and hair follicle meet. When follicles "full", the sebum spreads to the surface of the skin causing the skin look greasy. If this process correctly, the skin will stay moist and healthy.
acne structure
acne structure in skin
acne in skin
picture of acne in skin

Causes of Acne because follicles Impeded

The problem arises when sebum is trapped in the hair follicles. For reasons that are not known with certainty, some follicles become blocked. Sebum is produced but is trapped on the way out, and the cells that are normally separated into sticky and covered follicles. The process is called komedogenesis follicle blockage. This causes some follicles to form a type of acne called comedones, also known as "blackhead" and "whitehead".

Wednesday 22 August 2012

5 Benefits of Soursop Juice

5 Benefits of Soursop Juice - Soursop Fruit much preferred because it was delicious. Behind taste delicious and fresh, soursop contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Soursop is often enjoyed as soursop fruit juice, but not a few people who like to eat directly the soft white flesh.
Here are 5 benefits of soursop juice drink:
soursop juice
soursop juice
Soursop juice is very healthy drink

First Benefits of Soursop Juice

Fight Free Radicals -Soursop is rich in vitamin C which act as antioxidants which counteract cell damage caused by free radicals and strengthens the immune system.
soursop juices
soursop juices
Soursop Juices Picture

Second Benefits of Soursop Juice

Healthy Digestive System - Soursop contains soluble fiber and insoluble fiber which helps aid digestion and prevent constipation (constipation).

Third Benefits of Soursop Juice

Increasing levels of HDL (Good Cholesterol) - Soursop contains niacin, a nutrient that helps increase levels of HDL cholesterol that prevents the buildup of cholesterol on artery walls.
soursop picture
soursop picture

Fourth Benefits of Soursop Juice

Strong Bones - Soursop fruit contains useful phosphorus and calcium strengthens bones, preventing osteoporosis (brittle bones)

Fifth Benefits of Soursop Juice

Prevent Cancer -Soursop contains substances called phytochemicals annonaceous acetogenin having anti-cancer properties. Soursop fruit is one of the most widely studied anti-cancer agents.
soursop wallpaper
soursop wallpaper

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Soursop Leaf Nutrition

Benefits of Soursop Leaf Nutrition

Soursop Leaf Nutrition
Soursop Leaf Nutrition
Soursop Leaf Nutrition is one of Diabetes medicine
Soursop Leaf Nutrition - As we saw earlier, a lot of the nutritional benefits of soursop leaves one both for people with diabetes. Soursop leaf extract nutrients is widely believed as one of the natural diabetes remedy that has properties that effectual.
That's why the experts did some research to uncover the truth of the efficacy of soursop leaf nutrients. From the research it was discovered that soursop leaves contain a variety of compounds including: protein, fructose, fat, calcium, vitamins A and B and many more.
Soursop Leaf Nutritions
Soursop Leaf Nutritions

Benefits of Soursop Leaf Nutition as Sugar Levels Stabilize

Limit of normal sugar levels are in the range of 70 mg to 120 mg / dL. Nutrition soursop leaves is believed to reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels in the normal range. Therefore, the experts reported if the benefits of soursop leaves is very good for diabetics.
As we saw earlier soursop leaf contains many nutrients essential compounds needed by the human body. However, from a number of studies that have been done, the new compounds are also found in the Annonaceae asetogenin that benefit cancer patients.

Benefits of Soursop Leaf Nutrition For Health

Actually, research on the nutritional benefits of soursop leaves for diabetic patients or relatively new. One health expert also revealed the efficacy of soursop leaves for diabetic patients has not been clinically tested. However, some medical research successfully demonstrated that soursop leaf extract may improve the function of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin function.
Soursop Fruit
Soursop Fruit
Soursop Fruits
Soursop Fruits
Soursop Fruits Picture

Monday 20 August 2012

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Cancer

soursop leaves
soursop leaves
Soursop leaves can be alternative medicine
Benefits of Soursop Leaves - Many drugs that claim to cure cancer, ranging from traditional ingredients to be expensive chemotherapy. There are so many traditional medicines that have the ability to equal and even exceed chemotherapy, chemical drugs and even surgery though. From the research myriad benefits of soursop leaves. One is the leaves of the soursop, but is it true soursop leaves can cure cancer? Until now, cancer is one of the scourges of people in all parts of the world. Along with that, we have performed various studies to find the best cancer drug that could actually cure this statement. Many cancer patients who choose to take steps chemotherapy, in addition to the high cost of this method is also not spared from the side effects that you will get.
soursop and leaves
soursop and leaves
Soursop and leaves picture

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Cancer

But you know if the benefits of soursop leaves can handle the cancer cells in the body. Let's discuss together, the first reason is the leaves of the soursop is one of the traditional ingredients, as we all know if the herbal remedy has advantages over chemical drugs in terms of cost and side effects. It can be said treatment with soursop leaves absolutely no side effects. However, based on facts, you will feel the heat and shortness of breath. However, you do not need to worry because all of this is a process that is undertaken when soursop leaves are destroying cancer cells.

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Overcoming Cancer

Benefits of soursop leaves in treating cancer can be obtained with a relatively inexpensive and sometimes free. Other benefits are there are a lot of processed products such as soursop leaf tea and capsules if you do not like to drink soursop leaf decoction directly. Soursop leaves contain substances (acetogenins) that can distinguish between cancer cells and healthy cells. It can be concluded if the soursop leaves is excellent for preventing and treating cancer naturally. The conclusion is to never underestimate the traditional medicine. Because it chemical drugs are adopting the workings of traditional medicine. Benefits of soursop leaves for cancer treatment are better modern costly.
soursop leaf
soursop leaf
Soursop leaf pictures

Friday 17 August 2012

Cucumber Juice to Losing Weight

Benefits of Cucumber Juice to Losing Weight

Cucumber juice to losing weight
Cucumber juice to losing weight
Cucumber juice can be alternate to losing weight
Cucumber Juice to Losing Weight - Losing weight is one of them by taking the juice. If you are fond of drinking the juice, then cucumbers juice to losing weight with their benefits. A glass of cucumber juice can to losing your weight. Cucumber juice is low in sugar and carbohydrates and filled with vitamins and minerals are more important than that of fruit juice with cucumber juice to lose weight. Here's a recipe for cucumber juice to lose weight
Cucumber juice benefits to losing weight
Cucumber juice benefits to losing weight
     1 small cucumber
     small or medium-size cloves 1 point
     1 small piece ginger
     mint leaves 2 or 3 pieces (optional)
     1 tablespoon honey
     ice to taste

How to Make Cucumber Juice To Lose Weight

Wash cucumbers and cut into pieces. Scrape off the skin of ginger and chopped into pieces, then mixed with cloves, ginger, and mint leaves. Mix the honey or brown sugar and serve with ice cubes.
Cucumber juice recipes for weight loss is one of the most simple recipe and quick to make, and can be presented to two people. The high water content of the juice is also a good way to make your body hydrated, maintain healthy skin and hair, as well as cucumber juice help you lose weight
Fresh Cucumber
Fresh cucumber can be made juice to losing weight

Cucumber for Beauty

Cucumber for Woman Beauty

Cucumber for Beauty
Cucumber for Woman Beauty
Cucumber for Woman Beauty is very recommended
Cucumber for beauty - because the addition of fresh juicy fruits, cucumber very much contains substances needed by body .Many benefits of cucumber for woman beauty. Among the benefits of cucumber for facial beauty skin. Some of the substances contained within cucumber including calories, protein, carbohydrates, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, potassium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.
Because of the beauty benefits of cucumber to cucumber now easily obtained in fruit and vegetable shops around us. So, do not hesitate to directly consume and utilize cucumber after reading this article.

Cucumber Benefits for Beauty

Cucumber benefits for beauty
Cucumber benefits for beauty
Cucumber has many benefits for woman beauty
Cucumber is very beneficial for health. The content of potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus in the cucumber is very effective for lowering high blood pressure (hypertension). Cucumber is also beneficial for digestion, healthy joints, canker sores medication, insect repellent, protein digestion, kills tapeworms, diabetes, toothache, renal care and anti cancer.
In addition to the benefits of cucumber for beauty, it also has a myriad of benefits cucumbers to treat facial and add beauty. Some of the benefits of cucumber for beauty is as follows:
� slimming, because cucumber is very low in calories and high in fiber. In addition cucumbers malonic acid that can change blood sugar into fat. In 100 grams of cucumbers contains only 12 calories.
� Refreshing, toning and moisturizing skin as vitamin high in cucumber and minerals. Ascorbic acid is also beneficial cucumber contained lower levels of water retention, thereby reducing the swelling of the eye
� Maintain the beauty of your nails, because of the content of silica. This can prevent nail breakage and damages
� Hair fertile. Silica in cucumber is very useful to strengthen and nourish hair.

Monday 13 August 2012

Types of Star Fruit

Two Types of Star Fruit

Sweet Star Fruit
Sweet Star Fruit

Sour Star Fruit
 Sour Star Fruit
Type of Star Fruit - In the worldthere are two types of star fruit, sweet star fruit and sour star fruit. Both of these types of star fruit have differentshapes and flavors. But both are still ina clump of types of star fruit.

A different type of star fruit that is the first leather-backis sour star fruit is often used as afood supplement. Generally,the preferred sweetstar fruit, attractive color, finely fibrous, and has a refreshingsweet taste. Types of Star fruit that can be classified as lower levels of "bad" cholesterol in the body.

Both types of star fruit are capable of preventing the onset of hepatitis. The fruit is a source of vitamins, especially vitamin Aand C, as antioxidants and powerfulin the fight against free radicals. The fruit is also able to help prevent the spread of cancer cells, increase endurance and preventcanker sores.

Besides these twokinds of star fruit also has good fiber content so that it can improve digestion, and contain high levels of potassium, and sodium lowas hypertension medication. Types of star fruit caretaker position compared to other fruits because ofthe low calorie suitablefor fruit enthusiastswho are overweight.