Monday 27 February 2012

Dragon Fruit for Health

Dragon Fruit for Health - A dragon fruit some useful benefits for human health, such as a balancing agent for sugar blood level, protection for mouth condition, precaution for intestine cancer, to reduce cholesterol, precaution for bleeding and treat from vaginal wet mount.

A dragon fruit is usually consumed freshly to get rid of our thirst, because this dragon fruitcontains high water levels about 90% of its weight. It is sweet enough because its sugar levels is about 13-18 bricks. A dragon fruit can also be served as a glass of juice, fruit extract, confection, and jam or many other kinds of other servings based on your taste.
red dragon fruit
Red Dragon Fruit
Red Dragon Fruit

Generally, many experts agree and admit that a dragon fruit is rich in potassium, iron, protein, fiber, sodium, and calcium which are good for our health compared to other imported fruits.
According to AL Leong from Pitaya Food R&D, an organization that conducts a research about red dragon fruit, this fruit is relatively rich in many vitamins and minerals which clearly help to improve our stamina and is highly important for metabolism process in human body.

Dragon Fruit Contain

Research shows the red dragon fruit is very good for blood circulation, it also gives positive effects to restrain emotional pressure, and neutralize toxics in blood. The research also shows that fruit prevent from intestine cancer, besides preventing the highly cholesterol level in our blood and decrease fat level in our body." he said.
pieces red dragon fruit
Pieces Red Dragon Fruit
Pieces Red Dragon Fruit

As a whole, every red dragon fruit contains protein that is able to improve our metabolism in our body and prevent from heart attack (prevent from intestine cancer, diabetes, and diet), carotene (for eyes condition, strengthen brain potency and prevent from some diseases), calcium (to strengthen bones).
A dragon fruit also contains iron to increase the number of blood, vitamin B (to prevent from fever), vitamin B2 (to improve desire for food), vitamin B3 (to decrease cholesterol level) and vitamin C (to make our skin smooth and soft, also prevent from acne)

super red dragon fruit
Super Red Dragon Fruit
Super Red Dragon Fruit

Fruit calcium content of the dragon on the dragon fruit is very useful for healthy bones and teeth. As we all know that our bodies require calcium intake, because every day our bones release calcium elements, so that the calcium that is to be reduced. If allowed to continue, we will eventually become brittle bones or osteoporosis medical terms. Let us not be affected by osteoporosis yes, please enjoy this dragon fruit.
What is Dragon Fruit For?
Then the fiber content in the dragon fruit can help us who are want to do a weight loss diet alias. Diet by eating dragon fruit it sounds good, because it is one kind of healthy diet for our bodies. In addition, fiber is also efficacious for preventing colon cancer and urinary diseases sweets. Protein contained in the dragon fruit is good for our health, because it can keep our heart to stay healthy, and also can increase our metabolism. Other content, such as carotenoids can make us become healthier eyes, increase the performance capabilities of our brain's immune system and help our immune system.
Red Dragon Fruit Plant
Red Dragon Fruit Plant
Red Dragon Fruit Plant
This dragon fruit can also make you avoid dehydration, because this fruit contains a lot of water, like a watermelon. So by consuming this fruit can eliminate the dehydration of the body. So, it turns out, this dragon fruit tastes good but also good for our health so his usefulness. Moreover, the dragon fruit can you eat a variety of ways, such as jam, syrup, fruit ice, fruit juices and others. Remember, the family starts of healthier eating healthier foods.

White Dragon Fruit
White Dragon Fruit
 White Dragon Fruit

Yellow Dragon Fruit
Yellow Dragon Fruit
Yellow Dragon Fruit

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Avocados for Health

Avocados for Health - Not a few people avoid for fear of an avocado with fat content. In fact, fat-owned fruit is unsaturated fat that actually healthful. The fruit is supposed to be a list of pieces that must be consumed as it nutrient dense.

Important Avocados for Health

1. Protein
Avocados provide all 18 essential amino acids needed for the body to form a complete protein. In contrast to the proteins in meat are difficult to digest for most people, avocado protein is easily absorbed by the body because it also contains fiber. If you are trying to reduce the sources of animal protein in the diet, or if you are a vegetarian and want to look for more protein, avocados can be a good nutritional choice.

Green Avocado
Green Avocado
Green Avocado

2. Beneficial fats
Avocados provide the kind of healthy fats that your body needs. Such as olive oil, avocados can increase levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol). HDL cholesterol may help protect against damage caused by free radicals. Even this type of cholesterol can also help regulate triglyceride levels and prevent diabetes. A study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that a vegetarian diet, which includes HDL fats, can reduce levels of LDL ("bad" cholesterol).

3. Carotenoids
Avocados are the best sources of carotenoids and phytonutrients. Avocado, also known as the fruit that offers not only various types of carotenoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein, but also lesser-known varieties of this type of phytonutrient such as neoxanthin, zeaxanthin, chrysanthemaxanthin, neochrome, beta-cryptoxanthin and violaxanthin.
Every time you eat foods rich in carotenoids, your body will receive a lot of good intake of vitamin A for eye health. Carotenoids also enhance immune system function and improve the health of the reproductive system function. Carotenoids are fat soluble, thus optimizing the absorption of nutrients.

avocados tree
Avocados Tree
Avocados Tree

4. Anti-inflammatory
Combined effects of the nutrients in avocado offers great benefits as an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory). The unique combination of avocado such as Vitamins C and E, carotenoids, selenium, zinc, phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids help to prevent inflammation. This suggests that the avocado can help prevent or reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid disease.

Healthy Avocado
Healthy Avocado
Healthy Avocado

5. Heart health
Fat content in avocados is often considered a bad influence on health. In fact, fat is actually very good for protecting the health of your heart. Studies have shown that oleic acid in avocado can improve heart health. Oleic acid is the major fatty acids in avocado.

6. Choose and eat
To obtain the optimal nutritional value of avocados, do not choose who is too mature. You can identify a way to feel him. Do not select avocados that have been dented or feel mushy when you hold it. Ripe avocados should not be a dent in the skin and will feel slightly soft when pressed. You can also purchase raw avocado and keep it at home until cooked.

fresh avocado fruit
Fresh Avocado Fruit
Fresh Avocado Fruit

avocados seed
Avocados Seed
Avocados Seed