Thursday 26 January 2012

Mangosteen Nutrition for Health

Mangosteen Nutrition for Health

Mangosteen Nutrition for Health - Mangosteen is a plant that grows in high mountain areas of tropical tree can reach tens of meters. Indonesia is one of the mangosteen fruit is the largest producer in the world. Therefore many countries of Europe and America are importing mangosteens from our country.
Do you know if the mangosteen fruit has good flavor but it also has incredible benefits for our health. Mangosteen fruit is rich in vitamins B1, B2 and C and contains minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium and iron. However, protrusion characteristic of mangosteen juice is a high concentration of xanthones, a class of plants that produce fruit nutrients or "phytonutrients". Based on scientific studies, the xanthones showed a strong antioxidant to supplement and support our immune system. Here are some of the benefits of the mangosteen fruit and skins:
fresh mangosteen fruit
Fresh Mangosteen Fruit
Fresh Mangosteen Fruit

Mangosteen Nutrition for Our Body:

  • Strengthen the immune system.
  •  Heal the inflammation.
  • Improve communication between cells.
  • Thwart DNA damage.
  • Tool of the lymph system.
  • Maintains optimal thyroid function.
  • Reduce insulin resistance.
  •  Help with weight loss.
  • Heal nerve damage.
  •  Balances the endocrine system.
  •  Aids body synergy.
  • Relieve hemorrhoids.
  •  Help lower blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).
  • Alleviate skin disease (psoriasis).
  • Help heal wounds.  
    mangosteen fruit
    Mangosteen Fruit
    Mangosteen Fruit
    Relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome (a disease that occurs in the wrist and fingers caused by pressure that often occurs in the section. And usually are caused by too frequent use of keyboard and mouse). Removes dry scaly skin disease chronic (neurodermatitis). The anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen can reduce the scales and itchy skin disease.

    Mangosteen Nutrition for Heart:

    • Help prevent heart disease.
    • Strengthen blood vessels.
    • Lowering LDL cholesterol.
    • Lowering high blood pressure.
    • Helps prevent arteriosclerosis.
    • Digestive health.
    • Help treat GERD (chronic disease characterized by the flow of stomach acid into the esophagus).
    • Helps heal ulcers / sores.
    • Relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
    • Help stop diarrhea.
    • Can ease the inflammation of the small or large intestine known as Cohn�s disease.
    • One can prevent inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis).

    Mangosteen Nutrition for More Stay Young:

    • Increase energy, enhance the excitement and increase stamina.
    • Slow the aging process.
    • Help prevent deterioration of the brain disease (dementia & Alzheimer's).
    • Help prevent kidney stones.
    • Help prevent nervous system diseases (Parkinson's).
    • Relieve pain from arthritis.
    • Repairing the damage from the use of painkillers (NSAIDs).
    • Aids to the eye.
    mangosteen tea juice
    Mangosteen Tea Juice
    Mangosteen Tea Juice

    Mangosteen Nutrition For Family Health

    • Reduce fever.
    • Overcome food poisoning.
    • Sore throat remedy.
    • Help heal canker sores.
    • Fights bad breath.
    • Help reduce the migrants (the headaches).
    • Reduce the toothache.
    • Natural sleep aid.
    • Improved ability to cope with stress.
    • Improve mood and reduce depression.
    • Aids muscles and joints.
    • Get rid of acne and the defects of the skin.
    • Eliminating the bite marks, burns and poisoning.
    • Relieve sprains, muscle and joint tension.
    • Relieve abdominal pain.
    • Relieve laryngitis (bronchitis), emphysema (emphysema), and inflammation of the lungs  (pneumonia).
    • Working as painkillers tightness / congestion in the nose (decongestant).
    mangosteen animation
    Mangosteen Animation
    Mangosteen Animation

    Mangosteen Nutrition for Men:

    • Help prevent infertility.
    • Help prevent prostate enlargement.

    Mangosteen Nutrition For Women:

    • Relieve urinary difficulties.
    • As a gentle laxative.
    • Minimize symptoms of pain before menstruation (PMS)
    • Relieve the symptoms of menopause.
    • Decrease swelling during menstruation.
    • Relieve pain in muscles, ligaments, or tendons (fibromyalgia).
    • Relieve pain from the disease decreased bone density / calcification of the bones (osteoporosis).
    mangosteen tree
    Mangosteen Tree
    Mangosteen Tree

    Mangosteen Nutrition for Children:

    • Helps relieve asthma.
    • Can prevents hyperactive and attention deficit disorder  and food allergies.
    • Form teeth and bones stronger.

    Mangosteen Nutrition Can Heal Disease:

    • Prevent gum disease.
    • Eradicate tuberculosis.
    • Decrease the side effects of lactose intolerance.
    • Helps prevent dysentery.
    • Help prevent diseases of the central nervous system (multiple sclerosis).
    • Can prevent cancer.
    • Alleviate the chronic inflammatory disease (chronic inflammation) that attacks the spinal structures and especially of the hip joint (Ankylosing Spondylitis).
    • Help prevent lung infections and chronic respiratory (cystic fibrosis).
    • Prevent symptoms associated with lupus disease. Counteracting muscle weakness to severe disease (myasthenia gravis).
    small mangosteen
    Small Mangosteen
     Small Mangosteen

    Tuesday 10 January 2012

    Lemon Drinks Increase Stamina

    Lemon Drinks Increase Stamina

    Lemon Drinks Increase Stamina - The Romans used it to enhance fruit flavors in their cuisine. Orange juice is known not only as food but also for therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy, lemon essential oil is used in treating the liver (hepatic).
    Name of the fruit from citrus tree originated in India Limon. Arabs who had been brought into the lime the Mediterranean region. Beginning with the 4th century, the Romans began to use this fruit to enhance flavor their food. Orange juice is known not only as food but also for therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy, lemon essential oil is used in treating the liver (hepatic). Due to their chemical composition - mainly because the content is rich in vitamin C - Orange juice is also used for cosmetic products.

    healthy lemon juice
    Healthy Lemon Juice

    Lemon Drinks for Stamina

    Lemon juice - with 30% fruit - contains citric acid, calcium and potassium citrate, glucides (glucose, fructose, glucose), mineral salts and oligoelements (iron, calcium, silicium, phosphorus, manganese, copper), vitamins (B1, B2 , B3, C, PP, carotene A,). All of these compounds help the body in the process of growing. Citric acid, for example, stimulates calcium absorption through the intestine (action mineralization), neutralizing the effect of uric acid and reduced gastric acidity. While rich in vitamin C contained by orange juice, has the role of anti-oxidant, vitamin PP to protect blood vessels. Also, vitamin C has an important role in the synthesis of collagen, cartilage and bone tissue, as well as anti-inflammatory. Furthermore, through the contribution of vitamin C, fat burning is also accelerated. A direct action of this is realized through the fluidization of blood - a process that does not restrict blood clots in the case of injury. Therefore, the blood to circulate more easily though the blood vessels, becomes more fluid. We will now present the residual effect of the benefits generated by the consumption of orange juice: a powerful antioxidant, bactericidal, febrifuge, tonic to the sympathetic nervous system, heart tonic, anti-acid reflux, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-gout, anti- rheumatism, sedative, anti-sclerotic, vein tonic, anti-scorbutic, depurative, remineralizing, anti-anemia, gastro-stimulated secretion of the liver and pancreas, hemostatic, carminative, and vermifuge.

    Nutrients in the Lemon

    Because vitamin C in orange juice, which can be very easy to treat heart or respiratory disease, or even obesity varix. Orange juice with bactericidal and antiseptic action, lemon juices activate white blood cells and strengthen the immune system. Lung, intestine or kidney infection, contagious disease, claimed fever, rheumatism, gout, hyper-acidity, stomachache ulcerous, arteries, and capillaries varix fragile, hyper-optimistic sliminess, hypertension, pulmonary tuberculosis and bone demineralization, growth deficiency , recovery, anemia, liver and pancreatic insufficiency, hepatic congestion, hemorrhage, intestinal parasites, asthma, bronchitis, flu, colds and sinusitis as intended. Lemon juice diet usually begins with a daily consumption of fluid obtained from 10 lemon and continues with a progressive decrease in the amount of lemon over a period of four to five weeks. Drops of lemon juice can be placed in the nose (repeatedly) to control colds and sinusitis. Lemon juice also helps fight dandruff, scalp massage with lime. In this way the blood circulation is strengthened and becomes shiny and healthy hair.

    lemon fruit
    Lemon Fruit
     Lemon Fruit

    External use in cosmetic purposes, a series of orange juice can be prepared a variety of natural remedies for various problems. For example, in the case of oily skin, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice, grape juice and honey is recommended. The paste is applied on the face and then washed after fifteen minutes. For brittle nails, simple treatment of the following may be used: for a few minutes, several times per day, fingers soaked in lemonjuice. Other drugs, for spotting or couperosis (also called acne rosacea) are a disorder of the capillaries in the skin, based on mixing egg white (mixed up into the foam) with lemon juice. The result is a locally scattered in the region affected and the process is repeated up to 4 times a day.
    Lemon is a diuretic-based
    In the bowl of hot water, add lemon wedges. A tablespoon marjoram then added. After maceration (macerating the mixture is stored for a period of one night), it is filtered and consumed on an empty stomach. Diet can last for two or three weeks, depending on your needs. For best results, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    Lemon peel oil
    In aromatherapy, this oil has multiple uses: from circulatory diseases (anemia, and varicose veins) for digestion (diabetes, lithiasis billiards, and gastroenteritis), diseases of the respiratory system (asthma and bronchitis), liver disease, headaches and so on.

    lemons tree picture
    Lemons Tree Picture
    Lemons Tree Picture

    lemons picture
    Lemon Picture
    Lemon Picture

    fresh lemon wedges
    Fresh Lemon Wedges
     Fresh Lemon Wedges

    Our health is very important of all. Prevention is better than cure and also Health is very expensive. Without health in our body, we can not do anything. So don forget to Lemon Drinks Increase Stamina