Friday 30 December 2011

Papaya Leaf for Health

Papaya Leaf for Health

Papaya Leaf for Health - In addition to consumption as fruit, papaya is also has benefits of papaya leaf for health used as the efficacy of traditional medicine, especially by the Aborigines in Australia, the population of Vietnam, and several other Asian countries. Following a review of the content and benefits contained in the leaves of papaya based on research and facts on the ground.
Papaya leaves a bitter taste indeed, but apparently that's behind the bitter taste of papaya leaves a lot of benefits to our bodies, but unfortunately many of us who still do not know, but there are some who loved the papaya leaves. They are usually made with rice consumed as fresh vegetables.

Healthy Papaya Leaf
Healthy Papaya Leaf
Healthy Papaya Leaf

Of the several studies described in plant stems and leaves of papaya contains lots of white sap like milk (milky white latex) are likely to do as anticancer. Benefits of papaya latex proved health fatherly are natural anti tumor or cancer. The role was made possible by the content karpain compounds, alkaloids laktonat ringed with seven groups of methylene chains.
With that configuration, not only the tumor and skin diseases are cured karpain was also potent inhibit microorganisms that interfere with the performance of several digestive functions. So effective to suppress the cause of typhoid fever. Papaya leaves also contain various substances such as vitamins A, B1, calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron and water.

Benefits of Papaya Leaves for Women Health

A. Pimple
Drying the leaves 2-3 old papaya, mash with a given water, wring it out. Apply the juice on the acne.

B. Whitish
Take a papaya leaves, a piece of reed grass roots, fennel pulosari taste. Furthermore finely chopped papaya leaves, then boiled with other ingredients with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and filtered and then drink one glass once a day and be done regularly

fresh papaya leaf
Fresh Papaya Leaf
Fresh Papaya Leaf

In addition, more than 50 Amini acid contained in the sap of papaya, among others, acid aspartate, threonine, serine, glutamate acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine, arginine, tritophan, and cysteine . The material is usually incorporated in the cosmetic industry raw materials for smoothing the skin, strengthens skin, strengthen the network to be suppler and keep your teeth from plaque deposits.

Benefits of Papaya for Health Include:

1. Improving digestion
Papaya leaves contain chemical compounds that can kill microorganisms karpain that often interfere with the digestive function.

2. Increase appetite
for children who are difficult to eat can be overcome by the way: take a fresh papaya leaves and the size of your palm, add a little salt and half a cup of warm water. Mix all and then blended and filtered water. This drink can be used as appetite enhancer.

3. Anti acne
Papaya leaves can cure pimples by making a mask

4.Menstrual Pain
For women who frequent pain during menstruation may try to use papaya to relieve the pain, how: take a leaf only, add the tamarind and salt. Then mixed with a glass of water and boiled. Drink when cool.

5. Dengue Fever
Papaya leaves can also be to cure dengue. The trick: take 5 bay leaves, add half a liter of water and boil. Take the water if it is left behind three-four of them alone.

6. Anti cancer
there are several mentions of discourse that papaya leaves can also be developed as an anti cancer. But this is still just a discourse so needs further research.

Traditional Processing of Papaya Leaf for Health

Launch period. Two pieces of papaya leaves are washed, finely crushed with a given 1/4 cup water, juice, with salt. Drink once a day at a time.
Smooth milk. Some papaya leaves are washed,. Warm placed around the breast.
Malaria and fever. Mashed papaya leaves up to 1/2 cups, add water 3/4 cup and salt, squeeze, strain. Drink 3 times a day, do five days in a row.
Increase appetite. Fresh papaya leaf washed, mash, give salt and water bit by bit as much as 1/4 cup, squeeze. Drinking water as well.
Malnutrition. One papaya leaves boiled with 1.5 cups water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Then drenched in toddler 2 tablespoons per day.
Flu. Wash three young papaya leaves, mash, squeeze, with salt. Drink twice a day for children, and four times a day for adults. (Various sources)

green papaya leaf
Green Papaya Leaf
Green Papaya Leaf

papaya leaf tree
Papaya Leaf Tree
Papaya Leaf Tree

Efficacy Papaya Leaf, In research conducted by Dang known, papaya extract will produce a molecule called Th1 type cytokines that help improve the body's immune system. This would support the therapeutic use of immune system to fight cancer.
Experts say, papaya extract has no toxic effect on normal cells and thus more secure than cancer therapy in general. In research, 10 types of cancer cell cultures killed with papaya extract and then observed for 24 hours. Apparently, papaya slow the growth of tumor cells in all types of cancer. So regular consumption of papaya leaves can keep us from germs.
Our health is very important of all. Prevention is better than cure and also Health is very expensive. Without health in our body, we can not do anything. So don forget to drink Papaya Leaf for Health

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Honey for Health

Honey for Health

Honey for Health - Since ancient times, honey has been known as a beverage with many benefits for human life. In addition to being sweet and delicious drink to drink, honey also has many advantages in various aspects of human life, from healing illness, and for beauty.

Drink Honey for Health
Drink Honey for Health
 Drink Honey for Health

Benefits of Honey for Health

Here are some of the benefits of honey for your health:

  • Benefits of Honey which first helps you reduce the pain when you have felt the pain.
  • Honey adds energy during pregnancy and childbirth and also gives strength to the fetus.
  • A mixture of honey with herbs and eggs can accelerate the healing process of wounds in the abdomen or uterus after childbirth.
  • Orange juice plus honey can overcome heart problems.
  • Honey is very useful to normalize the function of organs, nerves and refreshing work.
  • Sugars and minerals in honey serves as a tonic that provides the energy source for the heart.
  • Mineral content of honey can reduce the degree of acidity and help to prevent stomach bleeding.

A Glass of Honey
 A Glass of Honey
 A Glass of Honey
  • Mix the honey with the juice of papaya. It is beneficial for growing children or pregnant women and also to facilitate breastfeeding.
  • Nutritious coconut water and honey mixture negate the harmful effects of excessive sexual desire.
  • Benefits of Honey then good for keeping blood pressure
  • Honey can reduce weight and cleanse the blood.
  • Honey is good for consumption by patients with anemia.
  • Honey can prevent osteoporosis.
  • In addition to overcoming a cold, honey is also a remedy for coughs.
  • Each gram of honey worth 1,000 calories 3280. Calorific value of 1 kg of honey together with 50 eggs or milk l 5.575, or 1.680 kg of meat.
  • All natural honey to treat wounds because of blisters or burns.
  • Honey is good for ulcer patients.
Honey Bee Hives
Honey Bee Hives
Honey Bee Hives
  • Diabetics are also safe to consume to get the benefits of honey, under the supervision of a physician
  • Mix the honey and carrot juice. This has benefits for the sight and good for those who often linger in front of the computer work.
  • Benefits of Honey can relieve the symptoms of asthma later if consumed as a juice with black pepper and ground ginger.

Now you already know the benefits of honey for your body. So what else is there to doubt? Fast, have a spoonful of honey every day and feel healthy.

Wild Honey Hives
Wild Honey Hives
Wild Honey Hives

honey bee picture
Honey Bee Picture
Honey Bee Picture

Our health is very important of all. Prevention is better than cure and also Health is very expensive. Without health in our body, we can not do anything. So don forget to drink Honey for our health.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Powder Plants Benefit

Powder Plants Benefit

Powder Plants Benefit - Powder  Plant (kaempferia galanga L) including plant species rhizome, fleshy fruit is tender and does not contain fiber. This is growth fertile in Asia countries. Such as: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam etc. In Indonesia �Powder Plant� is called �Kencur�. This plant is very useful for our health and also when we cook some food, we need it too.

The content of powder plant includes arsiri oil which has the effect of analgesics (pain relievers and body warmers). Powder plant traditionally used for treating various diseases, such us: gastroenteritis, influenza in children, colds, headaches, coughing and launch period.

Amid the proliferation of a variety of alternative supplements for children - children, powder plant is one alternative that is safe to increase the child's appetite. Difficult to eat the children - children aged 4-5 years, can occur due to many factors. Perhaps the child psychiatric factors, unfavorable environment and health of the children themselves.

In normal conditions the actual additional vitamin supplements are not needed. The need for vitamins and minerals can be met from the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

Hence the choice back to the natural product is a smart choice. If the child is eating, give it powder plant.
Of course we are already familiar with Powder plant instead? Powder is one of the plant-finding meeting. In addition Powder Plant usually used for cooking ingredients for a particular type of cuisine. Powder plant benefits not only to complement the kitchen seasoning, but also to herbal medicine. Because the properties are very diverse powder plant let's read the following article to learn more.

Who does not know the Latin name of plant Kaempferia galanga, Linn, the rich aroma with a bitter taste when eaten raw plant makes this most basic seasoning that can be used on several types of dishes such as fried rice and others. But did you know powder plant has many benefits for treating various diseases such as gastritis, inflammation of the child's ears, the infant influenza, colds, headaches, coughing, remove dirty blood, diarrhea, facilitate menstruation, eye aches, sprains, and fatigue.

Powder is a small grass plant that thrives in the lowlands or the mountains where the land is loose and not too much water. Growth and growing this plant in a particular season is the rainy season, can also be planted in pots or in the garden at sunny and not too wet.

Chemical constituents present in the rhizome powder plant is starch (4.14%), minerals (13.73%), and astiri oil (0.02%) of sineol, metal acid and penta kanil independence, cinnamic acid, ethyl aster, sinamic acid, borneol, kamphene, paraeumarin, anisic acid, alkaloids, and gums. Here's how to use powder plant based disease that can be overcome:

1. Inflammation of the Stomach
Ingredients: 2 rhizome powder plant thumb. Method: powder plant peeled and chewed thoroughly. How to use: swallow the water, the waste is disposed of, then drink a glass of water, and repeated until it is healed.

2. Children Sore Ears
Ingredients: 2 rhizome powder plant thumb and half a nutmeg seed. How to Make: the ingredients are finely ground and was given 2 tablespoons warm. How to use: applied / give around the nose.

3. Influenza in Infants
Ingredients: 1 rhizome powder plant thumb and two leaves cubeb (tailed pepper / Cubeb). How to make: the ingredients are finely ground, then added a few tablespoons of warm water. How to use: applied / give around each nose.

4. Headache
Ingredients: 2-3 powder plant leaves. Directions: powder plant leaves until finely ground. How to use: applied (as compress / pilis) on the forehead.

5. Catch a cold
Ingredients: 1 rhizome powder plant thumb and salt to taste. How to make: powder plant hulled clean. How to use: powder plant eaten with salt to taste, then drink a glass of water. 2 can be performed at all times.

6. Diarrhea
a. Ingredients: 2 rhizome powder plant thumb. Method: powder plant grated, then adds 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered. How to use: as a powder applied to the abdomen.

b. Ingredients: 2 rhizome powder plant thumb and salt to taste. Method: Powder plants grated, and then add salt to taste. How to use: as a powder applied to the abdomen.

7. Streamlining Menstruation
Ingredients: 2 rhizome powder plant of thumb, 1 trengguli leaves, 1 clove old fruit seeds, fennel pulawaras taste. Method: powder plant chopped, then mixed with other ingredients and boil together with 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered. How to use: 2 cups taken once daily.

8. Aching eyes
Material: 1 piece of rhizome powder plant. Method: powder plant split into 2 parts. How to use: the surface is still wet used to rub eyelid.

9. Cough
a. Ingredients: 1 rhizome powder plant thumb and salt to taste. Method: powder plant shredded, then to add 1 cup warm water, squeezed and filtered. Search using: drink with added salt to taste.
 b. Ingredients: 1 rhizome powder plant thumb. Method: powder plant peeled and chewed thoroughly. How to use: water is swallowed, the waste is disposed. Performed routinely every morning.

10. Eliminate the dirty blood
Ingredients: 4 rhizome powder plant of thumb, trengguli 2 bay leaves, 2 cloves dried beans, fennel pulawaras taste. Method: boil all these ingredients together with 1 liter of water to boiling and then filtered. How to use: drunk 2 times a day regularly.

11. Sprain
Material: 1 piece of rhizome powder plant and rice soaked in water. How to make: the ingredients are finely ground and given enough water. How to use: applied / rubbed on the part of the sprain as a powder.

12. Eliminate fatigue
 Ingredients: 1 large rhizome powder plant, 2 tablespoons rice fried without oil (couple) and 1 red pepper seeds. Method: boil all these ingredients together with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. How to use: drink as well and is repeated until healed. For men can be coupled with 1 piece of ginger and pepper powder to taste.

Friday 18 November 2011

Turmeric Herbal Medic

Turmeric Herbal Medic

Turmeric Herbal Medic - Turmeric (Curcuma domestic) is a kind of tuber that is often used as seasoning, and is also used in traditional treatment. There are several names for these medicinal plants, such as "Koneng" (West Java), "Kunir" (Central Java), "Kunit" (Borneo) and "Kurlai" (Moluccas).
Turmeric is a plant found throughout the wet trunked Indonesia. Growing wild or planted in backyard and jungle or fields. These plants than there are in Indonesia, are also spread across southern Asia, southern China, Taiwan, to the Philippines.
Efficacy and benefits of turmerichave no doubt. Than useful as a seasoning various types of cuisine, Turmeric Herbal Medic can also be used as a medicine. Because of these properties, turmeric is very useful if used as a medicinal plant family.

Turmeric Herbal Medic Properties

Properties of turmeric:
� Addressing the joint and bone pain
� Treatment for acid and gas dyspepsia
� Treating indigestion and stomach
� Treating pancreatic cancer and rectal
� anti-inflammatory, antibacterial
� Reduces flatulence and nausea
� Lowering high cholesterol levels
� Slimming
� Rejuvenation of skin
� Care after childbirth
� Overcoming liver disorders
� Coping with heart disease
� Clean the blood

However, efficacy was approved by Commission E Monograph or internationally recognized institution in Germany who has done studies in the literature on the efficacy of the 300 species of medicinal plants are for digestive disorders
How to use the traditional:
� 10-15 g pieces of turmeric boiled, water is taken 3 times a day
� 50 g of fresh fruit is cleaned and grated turmeric. Add water, mix well, then squeezed and filtered. The juice is divided into 3 parts, drink 3x daily in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

THERE ARE 2 TYPES Turmeric Herbal Medic :

A. White Turmeric Herbal Medic
white turmeric herbal medic
White Turmeric Herbal Medic
Currently the number of cancer patients is increasing and as a cause of cancer deaths are also at a high quantity. Generally, cancer was discovered at an advanced stage, so treatment becomes more difficult. Treatment with modern ways still felt a lot of side effects, while the maximum percentage of success was not enough, so it needs to be supported by alternative medicine or traditional medicine by using herbal biodiversity of the archipelago.
Any such alternative treatment is to use white turmeric, not many people know efficacy White Turmeric (Curcuma Zedoaria) which was a lot to cure various diseases. The most nutritious part of the rhizome.
Active Substance Content of White turmeric
Curcuminoid, essential oils, polysaccharides, zedoarin, kurdiona, kurkumol. Curcuminoid known, including curcuma, desmektosikurkumin, bisdemetoksikurkumin, 1.7-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) -1,4,6-heptatrien-3-on.
Mechanism of Action Turmeric Herbal Medic
Cancer is a disease characterized by the growth of cells - a new cell tissue (neoplasm), abnormal (cell genetic mutation results), rapid, and uncontrolled. Therefore, cancer is not an infectious disease caused by germs attack. Growth of cancer cells - the cells of organs that have a genetic mutation. A genetic mutation of cells that grow abnormally and destructive (do not follow the law and tend to damage the cell growth).
Zedoarin, kurdiona and kurkumol. These substances were anti-neoplastic destructive ribosome formation in cancer cells and tissues of wild by increasing fibroblast tissue formation around the cancerous tissue, and then forming a layer of cells of lymphocytes in cancer tissue and wrap it, so that the cells of cancer tissue cannot grow, eventually the cancer cells will die, and no longer pose a hazard.
In general, white turmeric benefits and uses as follows:
1. reduce the symptoms of heartburn and stomach pain
2. increase appetite
3. help inhibit the growth of cancer cells (anti neoplastic)
4. stop the bleeding
Not All White Turmeric as Anti-Cancer
But not all types of white turmeric has  anti-cancer properties. In societies that are circulating the set of White Turmeric type or types of curcuma Longa, these types do not have properties as anti-cancer. This type has the characteristics:
Tubers white, pimple-shaped, sticky and concentrated extract water and when used as a powder is white.
White turmeric type is only efficacious as anti-diarrhea and dysentery and cannot treat cancer.
White turmeric or curcuma zedoaria efficacious to cure bloating and anti-oxidants or cancer drugs. Anti-oxidant properties obtained from immunomodulatory, these substances can increase the number of lymphocytes, increases the toxicity of the cancer killer cells and specific antibody synthesis. The use of turmeric with grated white and the grated squeezed and drink the water.
As an important note! one of the negative impact of white turmeric is reducing the ability of white blood cells, white turmeric is also not good for pregnant and lactating mothers.

B. Yellow Turmeric Herbal Medic
yellow turmeric herbal medic
Yellow Turmeric Herbal Medic
Yellow Turmeric Herbal Medic

Yellow Turmeric Herbal Medic including interest "Zingi beraceae" or stem ginger with a pseudo-colored green or purplish. Red compound flowers / pink. Turmeric rhizomes to form an oval, tawny skin, reddish yellow or yellow tuber old.
Turmeric tubers belonging to the most easily grown. To seed a piece of ground planted rhizomes crumbly. Planted in the rainy season so not much watering, because if too much water can cause the roots to rot the roots.
Turmeric rhizome began to be harvested, if the stems and leaves have yellowed and then dried (7 eight months after planting), if the tree turmeric rhizome had been harvested, leaving most of the roots and rhizomes with soil piled back. So that when the rainy season rhizomes will sprout and grow into new plants.
Here are some of the properties of the herb Turmeric Herbal Medic.
General turmeric contains essential oils, resins substances, and starch and tannins. With the content of these compounds is not surprising that turmeric has medicinal ability to:
For smallpox drugs, cure wounds, eczema, scabies, purulent ear to the drug (ottorrhoca) also boiling the rhizome can be made "in Haler" in the form of vapor that can cure inflammation of the lining of the nose, flu, or blockage of the nostrils.
Turmeric boiling water to facilitate the flow of urine, diarrhea, and appetite, as well as to cope with ulcer disease, abdominal bloating until hypertension (high blood pressure).
As a food preservative. Fishmonger added a solution of turmeric in fish treated for durability and no rot.
As a skin. The women and children routinely consume turmeric solo always acid to maintain a healthy and smooth skin.
As gingivitis herbal medicine, asthma, neoplasm, rheumatism, stomach pain and dysentery.
to facilitate the release of Breast Milk : Turmeric is either eaten by young mothers who are breastfeeding, so the milk can come out smoothly. So Turmeric Herbal Medic is important to our health.

There are example picture of Turmeric Plants :

beauty turmeric flower
Beauty Turmeric Flower
Beauty Turmeric Flower

slice of Turmeric
Slice of Turmeric
Slice of Turmeric

turmeric herbal plant
Turmeric Herbal Plant
Turmeric Herbal Plant

Turmeric Herbal Powder
Turmeric Herbal Powder
Turmeric Herbal Powder

Our health is very important of all. Prevention is better than cure and also Health is very expensive. Without health in our body, we can not do anything. So don forget to drink Turmeric Herbal Medic

Monday 24 October 2011

Benefits of Ginger

Benefits of Ginger

Benefits of Ginger - Ginger is a spice that is very popular. Other than as a cooking spice, ginger is often utilized as a drug. Ginger has a distinctive taste that is sharp and spicy flavor because it contains compounds called Ketones Zingeron. Ginger existed since ancient times, and for many years been used as a natural remedy that can cure various diseases. As natural spices, gingerhas been there since 2500 years ago.
Ginger can only flourish in the tropics, such as Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa. In the Dutch colonial era, Indonesian people being forced to plant spices as ginger has a warm, spicy flavor that becomes a commodity that is very popular in Europe. In Indonesia alone, so the ginger�s drinks enjoy doing because it gives a warm feeling in your body.

ginger herbal picture
Ginger Herbal Picture

Benefits of ginger such as:

Warm ginger (fresh ginger boiled water) can treat various ailments such as:
1. Thrush
Boil fresh ginger (800 g) and insert it into the bowl that is ready for use. Use boiling water to gargle warm ginger, 2-3 times a day. Six to nine mouthwashes will have outstanding results.
2. Periodontist
Gargle your mouth with warm ginger water in the morning and evening. If your throat feels sore or itchy, warm ginger and salt can be added using 2-3 times a day.
3. Tooth decay
Mouthwashes with warm ginger morning and evening. Drink ginger ale as a beverage daily may help prevent and relieve symptoms.
4. Migraine
Soak hands in warm ginger water for 15 minutes. Such measures can help ease the pain.
5. Drunk
Drink hot ginger water. When someone is drunk, the water will ginger increases circulation to help remove the ethanol from the body. Honey can be added to enhance flavor.
6. Pimple
Wash your face with warm ginger water morning and evening. This condition will be able to alleviate or even eliminate acne within 60 days. This method can also be applied to eliminate dark spots and dry skin.
7. Dandruff
Rub raw ginger into the hair. Then rinse with warm gingerwater. This method can also help prevent hair loss. In a number of stores in China, they have a special way to use warm water to wash your hair ginger. Many people have enjoyed this treatment with good results. Wash your hair with ginger ale is an ancient ancestral recipe.
8. Waist and Back Pain
Add a little salt and vinegar into warm ginger water. Soak a towel with water. Then rinse and paste on the sore spot. Repeat several times. This method can relax the muscles and help blood circulation, thereby reducing pain.
9. Foot odor
Add salt and vinegar into warm ginger water. Soak feet for 15 minutes. Then dry feet with towel and sprinkle talcum powder. Good luck!
10. High blood pressure
Soak feet in warm ginger water for 15 minutes. This method helps the blood circulation by reflexology to lower blood pressure.
11. Cold
Soak the feet to the ankles in hot ginger water. Add salt and vinegar and add hot water continuously. Soak up the feet turn red, this method is also good for relieving headache and cough.

So many kinds of disease can be heal by Benefits of Ginger

ginger for health
Ginger for Health
Ginger for Health

slice ginger picture
Slice Ginger Picture
Slice Ginger Picture

ginger plant picture
Ginger Plant Picture
Ginger Plant Picture

fresh ginger picture
Fresh Ginger Picture
Fresh Ginger Picture
Our health is very important of all. Prevention is better than cure and also Health is very expensive. Without health in our body, we can not do anything. So don forget to drink Benefits of Ginger